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Samsung agrees to sell printing business to HP

SEOUL, Sept. 12 (Xinhua) -- Samsung Electronics said on Monday that it has agreed to sell its printing business to the U.S.-based HP as part of efforts to focus more on its core business areas.

The company's board of directors approved the sale agreement, in which Samsung would sell the entire global operations and assets of its printing business to HP, the South Korean tech giant said in a statement.

Samsung will spin off the printing unit as a separate company on Nov. 1 in order to sell a 100-percent stake in the separated company to HP. The entire stake will reportedly be sold for 1.05 billion U.S. dollars.

Samsung's printing unit, which employees about 6,000 workers and has a production base in China and more than 50 sales offices globally, posted 2 trillion won (1.8 billion U.S. dollars) in revenue in 2015.

Separately, the Samsung board of directors proposed the nomination of Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong as a member of the board to be approved in an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders scheduled for next month.

Samsung said the time is now right to nominate Lee, only son of Chairman Lee Kun-hee who has been hospitalized for more than two years, as a board member to allow him to take a more active role in the company's strategic decision-making.

The company said it is charting a path for continued profitable growth through bold and timely investments in core areas and by pursuing new future businesses, which require strategic decisions based on a long-term vision.

As the global smartphone market is increasingly saturated, Samsung is seeking ways to continue to generate profits by investing in new growth engines such as biosimilar and electronic parts used for cars.

SEOUL, Sept. 12 (Xinhua) -- Samsung Electronics said on Monday that it has agreed to sell its printing business to the U.S.-based HP as part of efforts to focus more on its core business areas.

The company's board of directors approved the sale agreement, in which Samsung would sell the entire global operations and assets of its printing business to HP, the South Korean tech giant said in a statement.

Samsung will spin off the printing unit as a separate company on Nov. 1 in order to sell a 100-percent stake in the separated company to HP. The entire stake will reportedly be sold for 1.05 billion U.S. dollars.

Samsung's printing unit, which employees about 6,000 workers and has a production base in China and more than 50 sales offices globally, posted 2 trillion won (1.8 billion U.S. dollars) in revenue in 2015.

Separately, the Samsung board of directors proposed the nomination of Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong as a member of the board to be approved in an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders scheduled for next month.

Samsung said the time is now right to nominate Lee, only son of Chairman Lee Kun-hee who has been hospitalized for more than two years, as a board member to allow him to take a more active role in the company's strategic decision-making.

The company said it is charting a path for continued profitable growth through bold and timely investments in core areas and by pursuing new future businesses, which require strategic decisions based on a long-term vision.

As the global smartphone market is increasingly saturated, Samsung is seeking ways to continue to generate profits by investing in new growth engines such as biosimilar and electronic parts used for cars.

【CHANNEL WELL】MFI Lighting充電傳輸線(1M)拍攝技術【CHANNEL WELL】MFI Lighting充電傳輸線(1M)怎麼拍才好看 【CHANNEL WELL】MFI Lighting充電傳輸線(1M) 光源佈置【CHANNEL WELL】MFI Lighting充電傳輸線(1M)心得分享價格比較【CHANNEL WELL】MFI Lighting充電傳輸線(1M)PPT評價【CHANNEL WELL】MFI Lighting充電傳輸線(1M)機型推薦 Samsung GALAXY J 簡約哲學 引領移動新美學

三星電子今推出全新旗艦級的GALAXY J,具備極致簡約的外觀設計、搭載2.3GHz四核心處理器和3GB RAM、並支持4K Ultra HD高畫質影像錄影功能,其高規硬件規格及貼心的軟件服務,讓使用者享有兼具時尚與高效的移動智能生活。此外,GALAXY J亦可與GALAXY Gear移動玩傢搭配使用,透過即時智能提醒、免持通話、S Voice智能語音及“Memographer” 190 萬像素相機等優勢功能,讓移動設備融入消費者生活各層面,感受無限便利 。

臺灣三星電子移動與資訊事業部總經理杜偉昱表示:“三星一直以來提供消費者最多元化的產品選擇,過去所推出的GALAXY S、GALAXY Note等系列,奠定三星市占第一的領先地位。有感於臺灣特定消費族群喜愛追求自我風格,並註重生活細節與品味,臺灣三星電子正式在臺引進外型極簡細致的GALAXY J,除引領4G LTE(註一)、4K UHD及穿戴式科技三大趨勢外,更在地化部分產品規格及貼心設計並提供臺灣專屬服務以切合臺灣消費者需求,讓品牌愛好者走在科技潮流尖端,並享有最佳產品使用經驗。”

簡約質感 最新操作 美感生活新境界

GALAXY J簡約的外觀造型為三星全新完美力作。有別於過去,設計師透過大膽的幾何圖形,將註重細節的精神,透過GALAXY J完整呈現。窄邊框設計讓5寸Full HD Super AMOLED大屏幕更加寬廣;精細的吊飾孔設計,讓使用者恣意展現個人風格;白色背蓋上的珍珠光澤及發絲紋,更能襯托使用者無與倫比的質感品味。GALAXY J並搭載最新Android 4.3操作系統,具備全新“Assistant Menu輔助快選”功能,桌面浮動的小方塊為使用者收納常用的功能菜單,並自動貼齊畫面四周,讓使用更優雅快速,成就美感新生活。

貼心內容服務為臺而生 創造移動生活新感動 GALAXY J更提供臺灣專屬服務,除內建臺灣知名景點專屬桌佈外,為瞭讓使用者更無界限的體驗生活樂趣,使用者可透過Samsung Apps免費下載“Mook Travel Guide”、“超實用日語圖解”等應用程序,深入瞭解世界各地的旅遊資訊與生活民情。便利的“S Translator智能翻譯”,更可讓消費者手寫輸入或是用語音說出想翻譯的語句,創造無國界的溝通便利。而GALAXY J更貼心提供臺灣消費者特制的“親子模式”(註二),可避免幼童誤按通話或簡訊按鍵而導致無謂的費用增加;此外,“微能節電模式”(註二)則可限制部分應用程序使用,降低電池耗電量,延長手機待機時間,在緊急情況中令人倍感安心。

多元拍照模式 各式風格濾鏡 捕捉專屬美麗回憶 Samsung GALAXY J搭載1300萬像素相機,內建多達14種智能模式,讓使用者針對各種特定情境選擇最適用的相機模式,無論動態或靜態張張精采。另外,支持“Dual Shot雙鏡頭拍攝”,開啟此功能,前後同時拍照,任何時候都看得見拍攝者感動的樣貌。此外,GALAXY J內建12種風格濾鏡,多種藝術特效讓使用者能自由揮灑影像創意,更可透過濾鏡菜單下載更多三星獨傢創意濾鏡,讓攝影風格別具特色!

GALAXY J引領 4G LTE 移動通訊新優勢 身為全球手機領導品牌,三星擁有最豐富的LTE產品設計開發經驗。因應臺灣2014年 4G 移動通訊趨勢,自GALAXY Note 3 起即推出4G LTE版,全新GALAXY J亦支持目前最快的4G LTE Cat.4規格,傳輸速度最高可達每秒150M(註三),以1GB的電影檔案為例,僅需54秒即可下載完成(註三),讓使用者迅速遨遊網際,也得以在未來4G LTE服務開通後,可於第一時間享受高速上網的移動樂趣。

Samsung KNOX全心服務 建立完善的私人保護空間 GALAXY J內建三星獨創的移動虛擬安全防護鎖“Samsung KNOX”,是目前業界領先可多重強化Android開放平臺安全性,且獲得美國國防部核準的解決方案,其提供一個受保護的虛擬空間,讓使用者在虛擬空間中儲存專屬個人隱私的應用程序、Widget、私人文件、帳號與聯絡人等資訊,創造一機雙用的雙獨立空間,輕松在個人開放使用空間和KNOX防護空間快速切換,私密資訊不外流。“Samsung KNOX”的獨到之處在於結合軟硬件的多重防護,當使用者不慎因下載惡意應用程序、惡意程序碼、網絡釣魚或其他駭客的入侵時,將形成硬件防護堡壘,啟動自我防護機制,阻絕資料受“駭”,從軟件到硬件,層層保護消費者個人資訊安全。

註一:本產品支持4G LTE。惟各地LTE服務時程、開通時間與通訊頻段等服務細節,端視當地電信營運商實際公佈之訊息為據。如服務細節有所異動,請自行洽詢電信營運商,恕不另行通知。 註二:親子模式與微能節電模式系為臺灣消費者在地化的功能,預計於2014年1月下旬提供消費者下載更新使用。 註三:本數據為實驗室在無外在因素影響下的測試結果,僅供參考。實際狀況需視當地電信營運商提供之通信服務而定。 關於 最新文章 Infotron關心開放的議題,如開放內容平臺維基百科、開放街圖,與軟件相關的開放源代碼,與學術相關的開放近用,以及最近火紅的開放資料。 Latest posts by Infotron (see all) 彈道基地測驗作弊醜聞後,美軍展示發射核彈的老舊磁片 - 2014 年 04 月 29 日 非洲狩獵采集民族 Hadza 族腸道細菌異於常人 提供史前人類飲食習慣線索 - 2014 年 04 月 25 日 Google 地圖推出街景時光機功能,讓你穿越時空看到過往影像 - 2014 年 04 月 24 日 未經許可,任何媒體、網站或個人不得復制、轉載、或以其他方式使用本網站的內容,違者必究。


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